2024 Year-End Tax Planning
CourseCadesky Tax Seminars is presenting a session - 2024 Year-End Tax Planning. It is free and designed to cover critical tax planning areas that are highly relevant for 2024.
Trusts, Common Problems and How to Fix Them
CourseThis custom-crafted 2-hour seminar outlines the common tax issues that arise with trusts. It covers 5 main areas: distributions and designations, attribution/reversion, change of control, association rules, and the 21-year rule.
Rollovers Under The Income Tax Act
CourseThis invaluable comprehensive course will look at common Canadian Rollovers under the Income Tax Act, how and when they apply, their uses, and common errors. It is custom-written for CPAs in public practice.
Capital Gains: The New Inclusion Rate
CourseA 2-hour seminar on the proposed change to the capital gains inclusion rate from 1/2 to 2/3, with in-depth insights. Other changes, like increasing the exemption limit to $1.25M under the Canadian Entrepreneurs' Incentive, are not covered.
Alternate Minimum Tax (AMT)
CourseA 2-hour seminar on the latest AMT (Alternative Minimum Tax) rule changes. Explore how these updates impact individual tax planning and avoid costly oversights.
Succession of the Family Business
CourseA 2-hour session on family business succession using case studies. Learn how parents can claim capital gains exemption while receiving corporate funds under new rules. Includes a detailed requirements checklist for implementation.
T1134 - Behind The Form
CourseT1134 - Behind the Form is an introductory course for CPAs / non-tax specialists who prepare T1134 forms. Learn the main concepts of the T1134 form in two 2-hour seminars.
Principal Residence Exemption
CourseThe principal residence exemption is more complex than ever. This 2-hour session will provide a comprehensive resource on the rules, leading cases, and CRA views.
Taxation & Divorce
CourseTax rules on separation and divorce seem simple, but are they? Where private companies are involved, the issues rapidly become complex.
All Programs
All our programs earn you a Verifiable CPD Certificate to help you meet your annual and triennial CPD requirements, including the minimum of 10 verifiable hours per year and 60 verifiable hours over a three-year period.

Michael Cadesky
Michael Cadesky is the managing partner at Cadesky Tax and a committed contributor to the tax and accounting professions since 1980, earning the title of Fellow from CPA Ontario. He is a past governor of the Canadian Tax Foundation, past chair of STEP Canada and STEP Worldwide, and past chair of the CPA Canada Tax Committee for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises. Michael is also the co-author of 11 books on tax subjects and the author or co-author of numerous papers and articles on Canadian and international taxation.

Hugh Woolley
Hugh Woolley is an independent tax consultant who has taught income tax for over 30 years for a number of different professional organizations. Hugh has written courses for CPA Canada and over 10 papers for the B.C. Tax Conference as well as papers for the CTF’s National Tax Conference and STEP Canada’s National Conference. From 1990–1992 he worked at the CRA’s Rulings Directorate in Ottawa writing “butterfly” tax rulings. Hugh is a past Governor of the Canadian Tax Foundation.

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