Terms & Conditions

1. Introduction

Welcome to Cadesky Tax Seminars. By registering for and participating in these seminars, you agree to comply with and be bound by the following terms and conditions. Please read them carefully before participating.

2. Registration and Participation

  • Account Security: You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your account information and for all activities that occur under your account.

3. Seminar Schedule

  • Dates and Times: Our seminars are scheduled on specific dates from September to December. There are two timings, please attend one of the two that works best for your schedule: 9 AM and 12 PM EST. There is no need to formally declare the time you will attend. View dates and module information for the program here.
  • Changes to Schedule: We reserve the right to reschedule seminars due to unforeseen circumstances. Participants will be notified in advance via email.

4. Technical Requirements

  • Internet Connection: A stable internet connection is required to attend the seminars.
  • Device Compatibility: Ensure your device is compatible with the platform. We recommend using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari.

5. Service Interruptions

  • Server Interruptions/Blackouts: In the event of server interruptions or blackouts, the seminars will be held at a later time, usually on the same day once the issues have been resolved. Note that technical issues may be beyond our control.
  • Alternative Viewing Options: If the issues cannot be resolved within a reasonable time, we will email you an alternative date or method to watch the live seminar. Nonetheless, all sessions will be recorded and uploaded to the 2024 Tax Seminar Series program.

6. Refund and Cancellation Policy

  • Cancellation by Participant: If you need to cancel your registration, please contact us at [email protected]. Refunds are only accepted before the first seminar date but there are exceptions.

7. Intellectual Property

  • Content Ownership: All seminar content, including but not limited to recordings, slides, and supplementary materials, is the intellectual property of Cadesky Tax Seminars, Cadesky Tax, and the presenters. Unauthorized distribution or reproduction is prohibited.
  • Participant Conduct: Participants are expected to behave professionally and submit questions that are appropriate for the circumstance.

8. Limitation of Liability

  • Disclaimer: This material is for educational purposes. Every effort has been made to ensure its accuracy, but real-life situations are often very fact-specific. CRA may not necessarily agree with all of the content. In addition, changes could be made to the Budget proposals, which are not yet passed into law. Professional advise should be advice should be obtained in any given situation. Cadesky Tax Seminars, Cadesky Tax, and the presenters cannot assume any liability for reliance on this material.

9. Contact Information

  • Support: If you have any questions or concerns regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us at [email protected].