There is a new dimension to income splitting; capital gains.

Each individual will have $250,000 of capital gains per year at the 50% inclusion rate.

So spread the cheer. A toast to income splitting.

Use the spousal rollover and a prescribed rate loan to split capital gains. Not only can you spread the gains, but you can also attribute the losses if you want. That way, success is almost guaranteed.

There are lots of other strategies to income split with capital gains.

What we tell our clients is:

"You focus on making gains, we’ll make sure you pay the lowest tax possible."

We cover income splitting strategies in our 2024 Tax Seminar Series. There is now an expanded module on capital gains.

Each year, we put on a Tax Seminar Series with important updates and tax planning ideas. It has been attended by thousands of CPAs over the years. Most repeat year after year.
Find out how you can register and learn new tax planning ideas like those above for capital gains.